Big Head and Bigger Aspirations

Batdad always cracks me up. Part of parenting is not taking yourself too seriously. The truth is, though, if my kid ever called me “Fathead” their mother would join in, and then heads would roll…including my huge noggin’. I’m trying to get in as much discipline as humanly possible before my son turns 10 and is ridiculously larger than I am. We do, in fact, call him “The Giant.”

When I used to live in a condo on the third floor, I rarely spoke to the neighbor who was underneath us. On the day we were moving out of it, the neighbor saw me, and I explained that I hoped we weren’t too loud. He responds “Oh, you mean Thunderbaby? Yeah, I heard him from time to time, but only once. I always thought he just knocked himself out.”

I felt bad for the guy, but in truth, he probably wasn’t too far off. I’m going to miss that guy.